Hameenlinna Orthodox Church

Hämeenlinna Orthodox Church, is the Church of Saints Alexander Nevsky and John Chrysostom is pääpyhäkkö Hämeenlinna Orthodox church. Hämeenlinna, Kauriala district, on the edge of the old cemetery The church was consecrated in 1962. The church, designed by architect Erno Mika is a simple brick surface building, which is on the west end of the concrete bell tower. Most of the ecclesiastical objects in Hämeenlinna comes from the old, the location of the beach square, wooden Orthodox Church, but also Russian-built iconostasis. In addition, the church is somewhat movable in the 1920s city library  amended and currently in use at the University of Tampere center in the former garrison Orthodox Church.

in 1867 hämeenlinna kind of merchant and spirits factories player Aleksander Bogdanoff (originally ham under the son of a merchant) handed over the Beach Square had built, was originally intended wood industy  building, orthodox church "eternal use of the army and the city's Orthodox". The church dedicated to Alexander Nevski, and was inaugurated in 1867.
The Orthodox congregation was founded in 1904, but started operations two years later. The church needed the city for the Russian indigenous population. They were merchants and other professionals, who confessed the Orthodox faith.
Hämeenlinna Church delivered every week as well as evening worship service or vigil and Sunday's day of worship or liturgy. In addition, the services will be held regularly mm. Forssa, Ponds, and occasionally also in Loppi. In other locations, eg. The funeral will be held as needed.
Liturgical language is now Finland. Occasionally still considered Slavic language -weighted  the services that are delivered end side of the church Slavonic language. In the summer, however, delivered yet another service almost entirely in Church Slavonic, summer celebration, the liturgy Tihvinskajan.

The church is the Lord of the Reverend Markku Aroma and favors also supplies the Rev. TM Kari Räntilä. The parish cantor is Leena Lomu, TM.
                      Sunday morning servise
Hämeenlinna delivered to the church for Sunday morning service, the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month in the morning before the liturgy. 
Morning at your service portion lasts about 50 minutes, after which service continues immediately in the liturgy. It takes about an hour. The night before is delivered instead of the Vigil ehtoopalvelus at 17.
Orthodox Church of Finland is Finland's second largest religious community, which gathers around 60 000 people, or 1.1 per cent of the Finnish population. The church now belongs to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Archbishop autonomous municipality. Since 2001, it has been Archbishop Leo. A denomination is based in Kuopio.
